Server racks with light on

Dept of Computer Science

Technical Staff

How do I access other AFS cells?

Last updated: December 5th, 2023 03:24 PM

You do not need to have a user account at another AFS site (cell) in order to access data stored at the sites listed in /afs. Simply follow the directory hierarchy using the UNIX cd command for the chosen site. It may take a while for the data to be transferred from the remote site for this command to complete. The usual UNIX commands for reading and copying files apply, but you will only be able to access files that are AFS publicly readable as granted by the owner of the file(s).

If you are currently authenticated with your Pitt account, you can gain full access rights to your Pitt IT AFS files just by issuing the "aklog" command.

aklog -cell

You may also authenticate to another AFS cell outside of Pitt by obtaining a Kerberos 5 token for that realm and then getting an AFS token from that. Example:

aklog -cell

NOTES. The AFS command "tokens", will tell you what cells you are currently authenticated for. The AFS command "unlog -cell" will discard the token for access to the specified cell; be careful... not specifying a cell will discard all tokens including access rights to your home directories. If this happens just aklog again with no parameters; your current login cell is used by default.