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Dept of Computer Science

Technical Staff

I have a long-running process. How can I maintain access to my AFS files?

Last updated: September 18th, 2018 03:57 PM

Long-running processes that need access to AFS files must use this mechanism to keep their AFS token active. In the example below, replace 'username' with your user name.

  1. Create a keytab file containing your Pitt password in encrypted format. Do this once at the beginning and again each time after you change your password:
         $ cd ~/private
         $ rm -f username.keytab
         $ ktutil
         ktutil:  addent -password -p USERNAME@UNIV.PITT.EDU -k 1 -e aes256-cts
         Password for USERNAME@UNIV.PITT.EDU:  [enter your Pitt password]
         ktutil:  wkt username.keytab
         ktutil:  quit

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Your username in the command above MUST be in all UPPER-CASE. Failure to do this will result in a keytab that does not work.

    Please keep this keytab file in a secure place. Anyone who gets a copy of your keytab file can authenticate themselves as you.

  2. Then, each time you need to have a long-running process, copy your keytab file to /var/tmp and protect it so that only you can read it:
         $ cp ~/private/username.keytab /var/tmp
         $ chmod 400 /var/tmp/username.keytab
  3. Start up a new Process Authentication Group (PAG), then within that, run the k5start daemon process that renews your tickets periodically, then run the 'screen' process manager:

    For bash:

         $ pagsh
         $ export AKLOG=/usr/bin/aklog
         $ k5start -b -t -K 600 -p /var/tmp/ -f /var/tmp/username.keytab USERNAME@UNIV.PITT.EDU
         $ screen [...]

    For tcsh:

         % pagsh
         % setenv AKLOG /usr/bin/aklog
         % k5start -b -t -K 600 -p /var/tmp/ -f /var/tmp/username.keytab USERNAME@UNIV.PITT.EDU
         % screen [...]

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Your username in the commands above MUST be in all UPPER-CASE, otherwise the authentication will fail.

  4. Once your project is done, exit screen and kill the k5start process and remove your keytab from /var/tmp:
         $ kill `cat /var/tmp/`
         $ rm /var/tmp/username.keytab /var/tmp/